Compiled and researched by Dhon72 & J4
Hercolubus is known as the Red Planet to some Gnostic Society and New Age Movement located in the Tyler System (see image below) who comes very closely to our Planet Earth every time our planet nears the end of its Sidereal Year and become the main cause of the demise of human civilization. According to the Gnostic beliefs the increase in worldwide chaos, disturbances and natural disasters are a symptoms and a signs that Hercolubus is nearing our planet.

image from Hercolubus and the Seven Races
According to Gnostic Anthropology every planet must support seven races of humanity before it becomes barren and lifeless just like our Moon. The following are the list of human races that have existed in our planet in reference to the Gnostic system:
As you may have noticed there is only two races left before Planet Earth becomes barren and lifeless. Every race that inhabit the Earth lived for a period of time called Sidereal Year in which the solar system moves around the Zodiacal Belt and after which before it enters into a new sidereal year a cosmic event happens that causes the end of each race.
Even though each race live for only a one sidereal year it will take a lot of sidereal years before another race sprung up. Each Sidereal Year last for 25,968 years, the Earth stays in each constellation or zodiac for 2,164 years before moving into the next. Earths’ sidereal year starts at the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius and ends at the zodiacal constellation of Pisces.
In Astrology the Gnostic term Sidereal Year is a cycle called Precession of Equinoxes. This cycle is divided into twelve divisions which are called Ages or Astrological Ages, and each age is identified by the signs of zodiac appearing in reverse order.
According to Astrotheology, in the Holy Bible our Lord Jesus Christ also tells his disciples about the end of the Piscean Age and the coming of the Aquarian Age, Luke 22:10;

There are many passages in the Holy Bible that speaks about the Ages or Astrological Ages, the list below are some of them:
video from Youtube uploaded by Justenjoy
Presently, there is still ongoing debate and dispute among the astrologer regarding the edge or boundaries between the Age of Pisces and Aquarius and the timeline of each constellation for the reason that constellation differs in sizes. Because of this, at the present time, we are either at the end time of the Age of Pisces, or the beginning time of Age of Aquarius.
The only option left for us to understand and determine on what Astrological Age we are in right now is by reading and researching some ancient text and materials, seeking the signs around us, through observation on what is going on right now in our world, the present situation and so forth.
And if you think what I think, with this present natural disaster occurring in every corner of the globe such as tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm surge, tornadoes, flash fire and killer heat waves to name a few plus the economic crisis happening right now, the threat of plaque and diseases like HIV/AIDS, Super Flu, SARS, Bird flu or Avian Influenza, Ebola, Morgellon disease, XDR-TB (Extreme Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis), Pfiesteria piscicida also known as The Cell From Hell, Cholera, Malaria, Dengue Fever, Anthrax, MCD (Mad Cow Disease), FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) and presently the Swine Flu Virus and lastly the threat from war, famine, Suns’ Solar Flares just like in the movie “The Knowing (2009)”, Asteroid and Comet Impact that might cause an ELE (Extinction Level Event) in our planet. All this things are signs of disturbances that indeed we are nearing the end of Earths’ Sidereal Year or we may say that we are in the last days of the Age of Pisces.
video from Youtube uploaded by alcioneassociation
And if this disturbances were caused by the Hercolubus then it is probably the Planet X that were been searching for by our Astronomers and researchers alike and the Sun of the Tyler System whom Hercolubus belongs to might be the binary partner of our Sun. The gravitational force it would exerted on our planet Earth will result in a Pole Shift and thus, a Cataclysmic Event will occur, and this is probably the Tribulation that all the prophecy and the Holy Bible speaking about.
In this connection, the possibility that end date of the Mayan long count calendar in December 21, 2012 a Winter Solstice and in coincidentally a Galactic Alignment will happen on that same date probably is the end of the Age of Pisces and also the end of the Earths’ Sidereal Year in which the end of the Arian Civilization will happen.
But we should not loose hope for even though our planet and everything around us follows an infinite cycle their might be an exception to the rule and hopefully the Arian Race break this cycle and survive for another Sidereal Year and enters the Golden Age of Aquarius.
In the Holy Bible, after the Great Tribulation happens, a New Earth and a New Heaven emerged as stated in Revelation 21:1;
And this verse might be pointing to the Golden Age of Aquarius were death and misery shall be no more and only happiness abound. It is the time when God live with us and we live with him.
video from Youtube uploaded by jlcmiles
I will be ending this article with a Music Video and followed by its lyrics performed by one of my favorite music artist aside from Enya and Enigma and that is the Gregorian, they are truly the Masters of Chant, featuring Amelia Brightman a.k.a. Violet who is also the writer of the song. This song was also sung by Amelias’ sister Sarah Brightman.
I choose the song for it suit the message I want to adhere, impart and implore in this article. As the melody soothes our ears and relax our senses, it is indeed very timely in our world we live in right now in which too many Chaos and Destruction happens everyday. The crisis that the whole world been experiencing right now is a living proof that the Monetary or Economic System that we are using is a failure, it only bind us more to the Material World making us more Greedy and Egoistic.
It is about time for each of us right now to reflect, and to seek and heed the call of the one who reside in each one of us, the one who lives in our heart, and the one who is pure and who came from the light. It is also the right time to get to know ourselves regarding who we truly are and what we really are!
For salvation will not come from any religions or beliefs, philosophy or principles but only by knowing and accepting our inner self whose essence is the same and comes from the one who created it and that is the one and true God.
For in God we are all united as one, without any division, in contrast on what we been seeing right now, made by our own selfish ego that separates us from one another by mere colors of our skin, language and philosophical, social, political and religious beliefs.
The only key to know ourselves is through Love. For Love is the most precious, wonderful and the most powerful thing in this universe even God bows down to it. For Love is the embodiment and personification of God and so are we.
video from Youtube uploaded by Alisenok
Moment of Peace
Come now, come by our side
A place where you can hide
We are the sunshine
Rest your Soul here
And you'll find
We are the energy
We give the world to thee
Hold up your heart now
We will ease pain from your brow
In a world without dangers
when destruction is near
you can come with us here
When the people are strangers
You'll rest here with me
In a Moment of peace
Light up the dark below
See through the stars
Reach to the earth's flow
Drift in the joy of our hearts
Unleash the energy
Taste of the wine
Drink as a soul
That knows now
Power divine
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Hercolubus or Red planet - V.M. Rabolu
Hercolubus and the Seven Races
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According to Gnostic Anthropology every planet must support seven races of humanity before it becomes barren and lifeless just like our Moon. The following are the list of human races that have existed in our planet in reference to the Gnostic system:
- The Protoplasmatic Race is the first race of human beings who inhabit the continent of Thule which is located where the North Pole is now found;
- The Hyperborean Race is the second race who inhabits the Earth living in the continent of Hyperborea which now we called the Northern Europe;
- The Lemurian Race is the third race to inhabit our planet who lived in the great continent of Mu in which were the Pacific Ocean is now located;
- The Atlantean Race is the fourth race who lived in the continent of Atlantis in which were the Atlantic Ocean is now located;
- The Arian Race is the fifth race and currently inhabiting the Planet Earth and that includes you and me.
As you may have noticed there is only two races left before Planet Earth becomes barren and lifeless. Every race that inhabit the Earth lived for a period of time called Sidereal Year in which the solar system moves around the Zodiacal Belt and after which before it enters into a new sidereal year a cosmic event happens that causes the end of each race.
Even though each race live for only a one sidereal year it will take a lot of sidereal years before another race sprung up. Each Sidereal Year last for 25,968 years, the Earth stays in each constellation or zodiac for 2,164 years before moving into the next. Earths’ sidereal year starts at the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius and ends at the zodiacal constellation of Pisces.
In Astrology the Gnostic term Sidereal Year is a cycle called Precession of Equinoxes. This cycle is divided into twelve divisions which are called Ages or Astrological Ages, and each age is identified by the signs of zodiac appearing in reverse order.
According to Astrotheology, in the Holy Bible our Lord Jesus Christ also tells his disciples about the end of the Piscean Age and the coming of the Aquarian Age, Luke 22:10;
“He said to them, "Just after you go into the city, a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters.”

There are many passages in the Holy Bible that speaks about the Ages or Astrological Ages, the list below are some of them:
- Ephesians 1:21 – “He is far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, and every name that can be named, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.”
- Ephesians 3:5 – “Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;”
- Hebrews 6:5 – “who have tasted the goodness of God's word and the powers of the coming age,”
- Hebrews 9:26 – “Then he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the creation of the world. But now, at the end of the ages, he has appeared once for all to remove sin by his sacrifice.”
- Revelation 15:3 – “And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; righteous and true are thy ways, thou King of the ages.”
- 1 Corinthians 10:11 – “These things happened to them to serve as an example, and they were written down as a warning for us in whom the culmination of the ages has been attained.”
- Luke 18:30 – “who will not receive many times as much in this world, as well as eternal life in the age to come."
- Matthew 28:20 – “teaching them to obey everything that I've commanded you. And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age."
- Matthew 12:32 – “Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.”
- Matthew 13:39 – “The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels.”
- Matthew 24:3 – “While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately and said, "Tell us, when will these things take place, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
Presently, there is still ongoing debate and dispute among the astrologer regarding the edge or boundaries between the Age of Pisces and Aquarius and the timeline of each constellation for the reason that constellation differs in sizes. Because of this, at the present time, we are either at the end time of the Age of Pisces, or the beginning time of Age of Aquarius.
The only option left for us to understand and determine on what Astrological Age we are in right now is by reading and researching some ancient text and materials, seeking the signs around us, through observation on what is going on right now in our world, the present situation and so forth.
And if you think what I think, with this present natural disaster occurring in every corner of the globe such as tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm surge, tornadoes, flash fire and killer heat waves to name a few plus the economic crisis happening right now, the threat of plaque and diseases like HIV/AIDS, Super Flu, SARS, Bird flu or Avian Influenza, Ebola, Morgellon disease, XDR-TB (Extreme Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis), Pfiesteria piscicida also known as The Cell From Hell, Cholera, Malaria, Dengue Fever, Anthrax, MCD (Mad Cow Disease), FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) and presently the Swine Flu Virus and lastly the threat from war, famine, Suns’ Solar Flares just like in the movie “The Knowing (2009)”, Asteroid and Comet Impact that might cause an ELE (Extinction Level Event) in our planet. All this things are signs of disturbances that indeed we are nearing the end of Earths’ Sidereal Year or we may say that we are in the last days of the Age of Pisces.
And if this disturbances were caused by the Hercolubus then it is probably the Planet X that were been searching for by our Astronomers and researchers alike and the Sun of the Tyler System whom Hercolubus belongs to might be the binary partner of our Sun. The gravitational force it would exerted on our planet Earth will result in a Pole Shift and thus, a Cataclysmic Event will occur, and this is probably the Tribulation that all the prophecy and the Holy Bible speaking about.
In this connection, the possibility that end date of the Mayan long count calendar in December 21, 2012 a Winter Solstice and in coincidentally a Galactic Alignment will happen on that same date probably is the end of the Age of Pisces and also the end of the Earths’ Sidereal Year in which the end of the Arian Civilization will happen.
But we should not loose hope for even though our planet and everything around us follows an infinite cycle their might be an exception to the rule and hopefully the Arian Race break this cycle and survive for another Sidereal Year and enters the Golden Age of Aquarius.
In the Holy Bible, after the Great Tribulation happens, a New Earth and a New Heaven emerged as stated in Revelation 21:1;
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the first heaven and the first earth had disappeared, and the sea was gone.”
And this verse might be pointing to the Golden Age of Aquarius were death and misery shall be no more and only happiness abound. It is the time when God live with us and we live with him.
I will be ending this article with a Music Video and followed by its lyrics performed by one of my favorite music artist aside from Enya and Enigma and that is the Gregorian, they are truly the Masters of Chant, featuring Amelia Brightman a.k.a. Violet who is also the writer of the song. This song was also sung by Amelias’ sister Sarah Brightman.
I choose the song for it suit the message I want to adhere, impart and implore in this article. As the melody soothes our ears and relax our senses, it is indeed very timely in our world we live in right now in which too many Chaos and Destruction happens everyday. The crisis that the whole world been experiencing right now is a living proof that the Monetary or Economic System that we are using is a failure, it only bind us more to the Material World making us more Greedy and Egoistic.
It is about time for each of us right now to reflect, and to seek and heed the call of the one who reside in each one of us, the one who lives in our heart, and the one who is pure and who came from the light. It is also the right time to get to know ourselves regarding who we truly are and what we really are!
For salvation will not come from any religions or beliefs, philosophy or principles but only by knowing and accepting our inner self whose essence is the same and comes from the one who created it and that is the one and true God.
For in God we are all united as one, without any division, in contrast on what we been seeing right now, made by our own selfish ego that separates us from one another by mere colors of our skin, language and philosophical, social, political and religious beliefs.
The only key to know ourselves is through Love. For Love is the most precious, wonderful and the most powerful thing in this universe even God bows down to it. For Love is the embodiment and personification of God and so are we.
Come now, come by our side
A place where you can hide
We are the sunshine
Rest your Soul here
And you'll find
We are the energy
We give the world to thee
Hold up your heart now
We will ease pain from your brow
In a world without dangers
when destruction is near
you can come with us here
When the people are strangers
You'll rest here with me
In a Moment of peace
Light up the dark below
See through the stars
Reach to the earth's flow
Drift in the joy of our hearts
Unleash the energy
Taste of the wine
Drink as a soul
That knows now
Power divine
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hercolubus or Red planet - V.M. Rabolu
Hercolubus and the Seven Races
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