XYTYX Chronicles
XYTYX Chronicles is a research compilation-based that delve into an unknown world of historical and scientific mysteries, the occult, the paranormal, the unknown and beyond... with the personal thoughts of Dhon72 and J4. Like us, if you want to find truth and connection to the unknown that drive us, you can join us here and even shoot us if you want to tell or share something about our posts. =)


Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Beyond Agenda

Compiled and researched by Dhon72 & J4

As expected the LHC Project successfully launched and switched on last September 10, 2008, and the particles i.e. protons circumnavigate the tunnel clockwise and counter-clockwise perfectly. But eventually the joys and excitements by the scientist involved in the project were end abruptly a week after the machine encountered a failure on one of its component thus the experiment halted. Accordingly it will take months to fix before it is operational again.

For this reason, the issue regarding the safety of this project had been questioned and addressed again by some speculative scientist and researcher alike. One may think and ask why an experiment like that built and situated below a populated area wherein they can built it in a secluded or deserted area where no one can be hurt if an accident occurred. Is it because that the geographical area of Switzerland is one of the safest place in the world as we all know that the alps protect this country for many years now, not only from natural calamity but also in the event of any war that might broke up in that region where this country is situated in. Rumors have it that this country can put their whole population underground when a worst case scenario happen i.e. nuclear fall out from a nuclear attack. And yes it is probably possible because Switzerland is famous for having a strong civil defense program. (How I wish my country Philippines have this kind of program where the welfare of the civilians are the main priority and not politics).

And this is the reason why most of the important offices and structures of the world were situated in this area such as the European Union (EU) Headquarters, CERN Headquarters, International Banks and more whom some of it were linked or influenced by the so-called Secret Societies. It seems that these Secret Societies knows a lot about Sacred Geometry and knows where to place their assets perfectly to advance their personal goals and evil intentions. (Watch out for my research regarding “Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s), Secret Societies and Sacred Geometry” to be discussed in a separate article).

The only big question remain is "Can this Defense Program withstand whatever unknown catastrophe this LHC experiment would bring about"?

Moreover, the project garners more attention still, when a former CERN employee named Steven Wood, who run for his life when he releases information about the project in the internet and making conspiracy theorists, scientists and researchers thinks that there is more and a higher agenda or purpose than what the public is told about regarding the said project.

Below is the link on Steven Wood new youtube channel and the videos he posted as he goes on running and hiding.

Steven Wood CERN

CERN and 2012 Theory Planet X

When I encountered this information regarding Steven Wood on the internet the first question I ask myself is “Does this person Steven Wood really exist or not? If he is, Does he really connected or working at CERN?”. So I did some search in the internet and I came up with some information on a thread in Godlike Production whom Nightshade 09 post a bit of information on the existence of this person Steven Wood and his connection with CERN. It seems that I’m not the only one seeking and interested regarding the information released by Mr. Wood in the internet. And here is the link Sali Earls interviews with Stephen Wood of Informavores one of the proof from the above thread regarding Mr. Wood’s identity.

From the interview by Sali Earls with Steven Wood last 2004 on the link above it seems that Mr. Wood is adept in I.T. (Information Technology), a knowledgeable in the field of computer programming, software and hardware alike. And maybe that’s the reason why CERN is on his tail for the information he had, not only regarding about LHC, the CERN telescope, the coming cataclysmic event in our world cause by the approaching of Planet X but most of all and probably the sensitive information or data which holds by “The Grid”, a network of super computer which was also launched side by side with LHC last September 10, 2008 and currently the world’s largest and most powerful computer grid, who monitors the experiments’ data of LHC and maybe the data of the CERN telescope as it observe the approaching Planet X and probably whom Steven Wood had been working with. As we may all know that CERN is the birthplace of the World Wide Web (WWW) or the Internet. (Watch out for my research regarding “Planet X and The Grid” to be discussed in a separate article).

And from the two videos above by Steven Wood we can see that there is a move to discredit or debunked him by hijacking his youtube account and falsify the data therein. Furthermore, I observe for the past months there is an ongoing war on the internet i.e. cyber wars between individuals who exposed the truth and those people (government agents and secret societies) who hides the truth from the rest of humanity maybe not to create a world wide panic (government agents and religious organizations) or maybe to gain the whole world for themselves (secret societies, the elite and the oligarchs).

The videos below by Simon Davis shows an example of the ongoing cyber wars and tells the story of the two youtube accounts that had been hijacked including the one owned by Steven Wood. It is easy for government to hijack an internet account to stop any information spreading because they are the Internet.

NibiruShock2012 and CERNand2012

NibiruShock2012 and CERNand2012 Extended

As we see the events unfolding one by one, as each day passes by, one may think what the real intention of the LHC project is all about. As we weigh the facts, we see that the disadvantage of what the project may bring about overwhelms the benefits it would give the rest of humanity and the world as a whole.

We see how much destruction an Atomic bomb had done in the two cities of Japan in World War II, then it came the Cold War the two super powers of the world race towards a much greater weapon and they did acquire it, and the world saw the birth of the H-bomb or Nuclear bomb a much worse than the atomic bomb in which a whole nation or continent can be destroyed and what do they say to the whole world before they invented this Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), they used science as an excuse by saying “the world needs more energy for development and progress. Now, they want a more, far greater energy that mankind had never seen, so they want to harness the power of the Dark Matter and for what purpose as one may ask? A weapon made from this will destroy the whole world, a planet buster as we may call it. And if they do successfully harnessed it through the LHC experiment then the world would see the birth of the real Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) or Doomsday weapon. And what would be the excused this time, surely they will tell us the world needs to defend itself from those asteroids, meteors or heavenly bodies nearing our worlds’ orbit such as the approaching Planet X or maybe from an alien invasion and the like.

As long we humans are not contented on what we have and don’t live a life, full of thrust, hope and love surely destruction would always follow.

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.”


A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world.”

Joseph Addison

“It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich.”

Frank Herbert


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
European Organization for Nuclear Research
Godlike Production


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