XYTYX Chronicles
XYTYX Chronicles is a research compilation-based that delve into an unknown world of historical and scientific mysteries, the occult, the paranormal, the unknown and beyond... with the personal thoughts of Dhon72 and J4. Like us, if you want to find truth and connection to the unknown that drive us, you can join us here and even shoot us if you want to tell or share something about our posts. =)
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.


Eclipse and Dolphins

Compiled and researched by Dhon72 & J4

Eclipse is an Astronomical Event wherein one celestial object moves into the shadow of another. This phenomenon involves the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon stand between the Sun and the Earth while Lunar Eclipse happens when the Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon.

Eclipse has been widely recorded throughout human history and become part of literature of every civilization around the world. It also garners significant influence in every religion. In some religion, eclipse is looked upon as a catastrophe while others sees it as a wrath of God or a coming punishment for sins.

Early this year, two eclipses were been observed in the Philippines, one on January 26, 2009 a Partial Solar Eclipse while the second was on February 9, 2009 a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Both were a spectacular sight for everyone who witnessed the event.

Below is a picture of the Partial Solar Eclipse as seen from Manila Bay on January 26, 2009.

Photo from Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images

Photo from Reuters Pictures

The following is a video coverage of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse by the two leading Television Network here in the Philippines as it happens last February 9, 2009 at the roof deck of PAGASA Observatory in UP-Diliman together with the members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines, Inc. (ALP) who recorded and documented the said event.

ABS-CBN Channel 2 Coverage of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

GMA Channel 7 Coverage of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

While an eclipse is a wonderful sight for the enthusiast of astronomy, on the other hand it is a fearful and dreadful sight for the sign seeker of astrology.

In Astrology, Solar eclipse represents a new beginnings brought by radical change while lunar eclipse symbolizing the culmination of events unto the end. As always, sign seekers has a tons of question to be answered regarding what omen or warning does this eclipses will bring about to humanity in the days to come. I used to recall every time this kind of event occur and especially as I see this two photos above in reddish color what my cousin’s grandma and some of the elderly folks in my mother’s home province of Bohol told me about when I was still a child that their would come a time when the color of the Sun, the Moon and even the Clouds becomes red as blood, a Great Suffering is at hand whether it be from war, famine or pestilence. What an eerie feeling and a hair raising experience it had been as I gazed upon this two photos and remembers the story that I have been told!

But anyway, regardless of the meaning given to us by this event, eclipse will always continue to happen, obeying the regular timetables of celestial motions. Whether it is interpreted as an omen of tragedy and disaster or a sign of Blessings and good Providence, eclipse will always be there to inspire mankind's imagination, as it does for a thousand of years.

On February 10, 2009, the day after the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse event another spectacular sightings unfolds this time as hundreds of dolphins (melon-headed whales) for unknown reason were seen stranded in the shallow waters around the coastal areas of Bataan, a province north of Manila, Philippines.

Watch the video below of ABS-CBN and GMA covering the said sightings.

Hundreds of dolphins sighted in shallow waters off Bataan

WWF-Phils continues to monitor Melon-headed Whales in Bataan

Below are some of the possible reasons that caused distress, disorientation and weakened the dolphin’s navigational capabilities due to damage in their Echo Location System that takes them to shallow water and become stranded.

1. A sick or dying leader who swim itself to the shallow water which then followed by the rest of the pack (dolphins) and then stranded;

2. Spillage from a passing ships either chemical and oil or from unscrupulous merchant ships deliberately dumping nuclear and toxic wastes in open water;

3. Shockwaves either natural (from sea quakes or tremors under the sea) or man-made (from sonar or any equipment using data to sound wave technology usually used by military or scientific vessels such as submarines, noise pollutions cause by oil drilling, dredging, weapon testing and more); and finally

4. Disruption in earth’s magnetic fields that the dolphins use to navigate the seas.

Reason no. 1 usually was one of the primary reasons for a whale to swim in shallow waters. Reason no. 2 & 3 (man-made) must be investigated by proper authorities (international and local) for it creates a greater risk against life and environment. A proper monitoring of any ships and it’s cargo is a must and regarding submarines which my country Philippines doesn’t have must also be addressed properly by our leaders, because any intrusion of the said ships threatens the sovereignty of the country whether it is from an allied country or not. Lastly, reason no. 3 (natural) & 4 is a warning for all of us human to have a pre-cautionary measure all the time and be aware and sensitive enough to see changes around us.

Specially nowadays, where the threat from celestial objects above the earth have been observe such as the possibility of an asteroid, meteor or comet impact, radiation from space, Galactic alignment and the increasing Solar Storms affecting our earth’s magnetosphere causing drastic climate changes in our world such as mega-storm, mega-tsunami, mega-earthquake and more. Also an increase solar activity of the sun affects our earth’s magnetosphere thus affecting the magnetic field which acts as a shield against harmful radiation coming in from outer space. Another possibility is perturbation from an unknown huge celestial object causing an increase in solar activity of the sun and a disruption of earth’s magnetosphere which lead us to the “Theory of Planet X”. (Watch out for my research regarding “Galactic Alignment and Planet X” to be discussed in a separate article).

Meanwhile, last February 12, 2009, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Talaud Island in Indonesia and were also felt around the chain of islands that lie south of the Philippine island of Mindanao. Does the appearance of the dolphins the day before was a forewarning of the said earthquake?

Even though it is very hard to prove, it seems all the events above were interconnected by way or another. And we can not dismissed the facts that this lovely fellow creatures from the sea i.e. the dolphins were trying to call our attention and tell us something either warning us of an impending doom or a catastrophe is at hand or maybe reaching out our heart and consciousness to correct our wrongdoing about the environment and to the world as a whole.

There are parts in history were been dark for humanity as if the light of God had been extinguished, yet on the contrary it is not, just hidden. Just like during the eclipse that it seems the sun move away but it is not, it is merely concealed. And as the sunlight emerges from its eclipse, so too are those darkest moments of human life in which are only temporary and always followed by God’s redemption. The sun’s faint corona that we see during eclipse is like a ray of hope reminding all of us that during the darkest hour of our life, we must seek those little signs that telling us that God is still with us.

“God sometimes puts us in the dark so that we may see the light.”

“Hiddenness. God hides for a reason - so that He can develop you on the inside and train you to see with the eyes of faith. In manifestation, you can already see what God is doing. In hiddenness, you learn to look inward and recognize that God is still at work, relying purely on your faith.”
Graham Cooke

Real wisdom is hidden from us until God reveals it to us. He often chooses to do that in the place of hiddenness. Hiddenness is God's training ground. In hiddenness God is teaching us the wisdom of how to walk with Him, how to know Him, how to understand Him and how to live a life of reverent fear.”
Graham Cooke


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GMA News
Astronomical League of the Philippines, Inc. (ALP)


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