XYTYX Chronicles is a research compilation-based that delve into an unknown world of historical and scientific mysteries, the occult, the paranormal, the unknown and beyond... with the personal thoughts of Dhon72 and J4. Like us, if you want to find truth and connection to the unknown that drive us, you can join us here and even shoot us if you want to tell or share something about our posts. =)
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
Compiled and researched by Dhon72 & J4 revised and updated: 04-11-2009
As the Chinese celebrated their New Year last January 26, 2009 and coincidentally a partial solar eclipse have been observe that day, I do recall my experiences when our office was still in Binondo, a Chinatown at the heart of Manila. I used to slip out of the office during break time that day just to get a glimpse of the festivity specially the Lion and Dragon dance performed along the streets as firecrackers are lighted up in every side. It was an amazing site, as the dragon dancing all the way trying to swallow the sphere representing the sun in front of him.
As it fascinated me, I was prompt to research the reasons behind the dragon dance, and I stumbled upon the legend of the Sun-eating dragon during the early part in Chinese history. As the story goes, when solar eclipse occurred ancient Chinese believe that a dragon swallowed the sun, thus they would produce great noise and commotion, lighting firecrackers, banging on pots and drums just to frighten away the dragon and bring back the sun.
Little do we know, this sun-eating dragon depicted in Chinese legend is probably a celestial object and the binary partner (Figure 5) of our Sun and its orbital path is sometimes called "The Way of the Dragon" or "The Dragon Path" and it is depicted in every art in the oriental culture as well as in some pictograms of the crop circles.
As you may see in the left image, it portrays a two dragon a white and a black (often in other arts the two dragons is gold and red) while both of its tail entwining and a Yin-Yang symbol at the middle, this two dragons symbolizes the two binary partner which is the Sun (White or Gold) and its nemesis the Planet X (Black or Red), while their tails intertwine and the Yin-Yang symbolizing the Dragon Path or as we may say the orbital path of this two binary stars as they pass each other and thus signifying the balance or sometimes the battle between good and evil.
The image at the right is a 6¾ foot long Western Han painting on silk that was found draped over the coffin in the grave of Lady Dai (c. 168 BC) at Mawangdui, an archeological site near Changsha in Hunan province, China. You may notice the body of two dragons gold and red entwining each other. The image depicts the cosmos and the afterlife, while the upper part of the paintings signifies heaven while the bottom represents the underworld.
Even in the art of Drawing and Tattoo the legend found its influences. Here we see a dragon forming a figure of number eight (8) and trying to bite its tail like an Ouroboros.
In the old testament of the Holy Bible number eight means the circumcision on the eight day, man’s entrance to God’s covenant, while in the new testament it manifests as Baptism signifying an everlasting life given by Christ’s resurrection. As Baptism signifies the washing of man’s wicked sins, it is also associated with Noah’s flood that washed away the wicked people. And interestingly, there are eight people onboard the ark that replenish the earth after the flood and start mankind’s new beginning.
In Zechariah Sitchin’s Book, Noah’s flood or the Deluge were caused by the passing of the twelfth planet, Planet Nibiru in which probably the binary partner of our Sun and has an orbital path like a figure eight.
Number 8 signifies eternal life or the number of cosmic balance, the perfect number and the number of God. And when you turn the figure 8 on its side it becomes the mathematical symbol for infinity.
As this binary partner moves near their Periastron(Figure 7), surely an accretion or mass transfer(Figure 9 & 10 and watch the video below) will take place, and this Red/Brown Dwarf or Dark Star will suck up matter from our Sun.
And this is the possible reasons, why we see its influence widely in Religions, Arts and Architecture, as the people of the ancient see this event happen in the sky they recorded it through writings, paintings, weavings and sometimes in architectual designs. (see images below)
Dome of the Rock, Israel
St. Petersburg Church, Russia
Taj Mahal, India
Click image to see full size
In this images above we see the cone shape rooftop of some of the magnificent architectural sights of the world, protruding upward just like the same way an accretion or mass transfer occurs in a binary star system.
Aside from mass transfer or accretion, a perturbation or a gravitational force will also be exerted on both systems, every planet revolving the Sun and its binary partner and including the Sun itself and its binary partner would cause all the planets to wobble thus resulting to a pole shift while the Sun and its binary partner tends to expand, and their is also the chance of planet to planet collision between the two system, an Asteroid or Comet impact, what a cataclysmic event would that be to all the planets including our very own Earth. If you ask what would be the effect if such event occurs, well then it would be the same as when a black hole enters our Solar System. (watch the video below)
The only difference is that if a black hole enters our Solar System the Earth and all its inhabitant would cease to exist, while on the other hand when Planet X pass by there is a chance of survivability for human race unless otherwise if we don't see the mass transfer or accretion between Sun and its binary partner in the sky that would mean one thing our planet would be in between the Sun and its binary partner as mass transfer or accretion occur. And probably I guess you know by now, what would it be like if that happens!
As these two binary objects revolves on their barycenter sometimes they create a mutual eclipses or sometimes called eclipsing binaries(Figure 8) from the line of sight of the observer in which in this scenario is Earth, and sometimes the satellites or planets of this Sun’s binary partner were aligning themselves in such a manner like a tail (See image below), thus the legend of the Sun-eating dragon was born.
In my own opinion and interpretation, it is more likely to be that our Sun has a binary partner for whom it gets the gravitational balance it needs, as they (the sun and binary partner) swirl around our galaxy the Milkyway(see image below), without this surely they will be pull within the black hole residing at the center of the galaxy. Just like the same way our planet Earth and its moon balancing each other as they orbit the Sun, in order for them not to be pulled by Sun's gravity.
Assuming the binary partner of our Sun be classified as either a Red or Brown Dwarf or Dark Star(see astronomical terminology below) both of whom emits minimal light, thus we may say it as dark companion and a Nemesis, and in which is also the reason why it is very hard to see or spot it in space and the only way to see it is through infrared telescope.
At present this celestial object known as Sun-eating dragon in Chinese legend is also call by many names such as Planet X, Nemesis and Planet Eris(maybe classified as a Planet, Comet-Planet, Mini-Constellation, Brown Dwarf or Red Dwarf, Neutron Star and lastly a Dark Star) from the scientific community, Planet Nibiru from the Sumerians meaning planet of the crossing or the Twelfth Planet by Zechariah Sitchin who studied the ancient civilization of Sumers, Planet Marduk, from the Babylonians who collided with Planet Tiamat(Babylonian term) or Planet Rahab(Biblical Term, Lucifer’s seat of power before it was destroyed) whom was divided into two parts, the first half was the present Asteroid Belt(former orbiting spot of planet Tiamat before the collision) that lies between Planet Mars and Jupiter and the second part who have been catapult into third position from the Sun whom now known as Planet Earth, Hercolubus or the Red Planet from the Gnostic Society and New Age Movement, The Destroyer from the Book of Jeremiah, Wormwood from the Book of Revelation, and lastly The Morning Star, the last three mentioned were from the Holy Bible.
And this dark companion of our Sun surely has its own satellites or planets orbiting around it and one of it might be the one referred to by the Sumerians as Planet Nibiru or the Twelfth Planet by Zechariah Sitchin, Planet Marduk by the Babylonians, Hercolubus by the Gnostic Society and New Age Movement, Planet Eris or simply Planet X in the scientific community.
While The Destroyer from the Book of Jeremiah of the Holy Bible may be referred to either to the binary partner of our Sun or one of the planets orbiting around it. And Wormwood in the Book of Revelation of the Holy Bible, who falls down to Earth, might be also referred to as either one of the planet orbiting the Sun’s binary partner and not the binary partner itself or maybe a moon orbiting the said planet, an Asteroid or Comet drag along the way by the said binary partner.
Lastly The Morning Star whom the Holy Bible referred to as Lucifer the angel of light who fall from his grace, except for the Book of Revelation where it refers to as Our Lord Jesus Christ, this might also referred to the Sun’s binary partner whom before was a brightest star and then collapse transforming it to a Dark Star whose gravitational pull is too strong even light can not escape just like the same as a black hole.
Astronomical Terminology
NOTE: All images used in this terminology are for representation only and not a simulation.
is the point between two objects where they balance each other. For example, it is the center of gravity where two or more celestial bodies orbit each other.
In Figure 1 to 5, the red plus sign represents the barycenter while the two white circles represents the object orbiting their common barycenter.
Figure 1 depicts a two objects of similar mass orbiting around a common barycenter. An example of this is 90 Antiope System. Figure 2 depicts a two objects with a slight difference in mass orbiting around a common barycenter. An example of this, is the orbital system of the planet Pluto and its satellite or moon Charon. Figure 3 depicts a two objects with greater difference in mass orbiting around a common barycenter. An example of this relationship is the Earth and Moon orbital system. Figure 4 depicts a two objects with extreme differences in mass orbiting around a common barycenter. An example of this, is the Sun and Earth orbital system. And lastly, Figure 5 depicts two bodies with a similar mass orbiting a common barycenter in an elliptical path. A common situation for Binary Stars.
In Figure 6 and 7, the green plus sign represents the barycenter of the two binary objects, where blue represent the Sun while the red represent its nemesis Planet X. Furthermore, you may observe the smaller the object the larger elliptical orbit it has and vice versa. This is the reason why it takes a lot of years before the Sun and its binary partner and nemesis, Planet X meet at their Periastron causing a Periodic Cataclysmic Event i.e. an (E.L.E.) Extinction Level Event on Earth such as the demise of the Dinosaurs and the destruction of the ancient civilization of Atlantis and Lemuria.
The farthest point of separation between two stars, especially in a binary star situation.
The nearest point of separation between two stars, especially in a binary star situation.
Figure 8
Eclipsing Binary Star
Figure 9
Eclipsing Binary Star and a Mass Transfer taking place
is a binary star in which the orbit plane of the two stars lies so nearly in the line of sight of the observer that the components undergo mutual eclipses.
Mass Transfer
is the process by which matter gravitationally bound to a body, usually a star, fills its Roche lobe and becomes gravitationally bound to a second body, usually a compact object (white dwarf, neutron star or black hole), and is eventually accreted onto it.
White Dwarfs
are burnt-out stars supported by electron degeneracy pressure. This is the ultimate fate of the Sun.
Brown Dwarfs
are near-stars, that have too small mass to initiate hydrogen burning.
Neutron Stars
are burnt-out stars and are formed in certain types of supernova.
Dark Stars
a star which has a gravitational pull strong enough to trap light. Mostly superseded by the concept of "black holes".
As the days pass by and the evidence are piling up proving the calamitous event that might transpire, one may ask what would be the future holds for mankind! Only time can tell as the eternal cycles continue. Who knows we might see each other again, as the new earth and heavens reborn just like the phoenix who rise from its ashes.
“We're our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves.” - Tom Robbins
“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” - Carol Lynn Pearson
“Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it.” - Alexandre Dumas Père
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